how many days i didnt update? its ok la... doesnt matter right? plus im not MIA~~ just got sum (some = my shortform la~~) prob... so many things happen in this few days... first.. yan change his fb password... n i know what it meant... i already see that pic... he hangout at disco, wif other girls... n drunk.. n yesterday he send me msg... he said im d reason why he back to his old life... n he really hate me.. he said, he will throw his phone if i didnt give the right answer he wanna hear..
yesterday.. i hangout wif kuro.. plus this is d 3rd day i didnt have any voice... XD first we hangout at pkns, pas n sacc... from 12pm-2pm.. XD that time i got my voice back... so mrB said.. hey.. da ok pulak suara.. XD then back to kuro house... then i got msg from my family.. my bro injured coz sum1 beat him up... i walk from kuro house till my grandma house.. its hurt me.. stupid jaja.. he told her bro.. my bro ask him to do bad things.. hey!! its u d one who wanna do it.. i know my bro.. forget that..

they said they come wif kancil.. actually not.. its new saga.. wuaaa.. so stupid la u guys... ok.. yea im not feeling well.. coz i always got vision.. n i see kuro in my mind.. its hurt me... i know sumthng make kuro feel anxious.. they're ok.. but not their friends.. ok sori.. but thats what i feel.. then fik n d other boy.. keep asking.. "Kuro, did u have bf.." XD kuro so cute la u... since kuro said she already wif sum1 else.. fik make a joke.. asking mrB to flirt kuro n let him b wif me.. =__=" why suddenly im involve in this things??? but i like mrB answer.. gf cant b bluetooth or infrared.. n he wanna make me his wife.. XD cant b bluetooth? yea sure.. thx mr B~~
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